Friday, May 30, 2008

Detox Day 7- The abrupt end (blame Salome)

'Tminx, Tminx!' Someone was pushing me awake. 'Get up!'. It was Salome, she looked very disgruntled. 'Look I have been taking this rubbish detox for too long! I am hungry,' she said, anger flashing in her eyes. I rolled over. Damn her, I was really enjoying the dream I was having. I was swimming in a pool full of Fajitas and Orange juice. Pancakes were flying in the air and the birds were smoothies and butterflies where peeing maple syrup. If I didn't know better I would have thought I was in heaven.

I forced myself up from the bed like I had been pre-programmed to do for the past six days and started to prepare my Salt water for the flush.

'Don't let me slap you oh!' It was Salome again. Pour that thing away. I ignored her as I chugged the water down. Maybe she was right. The morning before, I was feeling great, like I could do the detox forever but later that day, my spirits came crashing down. I lost all the energy I had and had no desire to drink anymore lemonande. I gagged a little on the salt water but finished it off and went back to bed.

'Look, you are only to stay on the detox as long as your body feels good. I'm telling you, it doesn't feel good right about now. Besides your tongue is pink and do you still feel the pain in your side this morning?'

I shook my head in response realising it felt suprisingly free of pain but who knows. I have been free of pain once or twice before and it came back.

'The recommended minimum is ten days.' I said as the Salt water took effect. 'Sharrap my friend!', 'You won't have any energy today talk of Sunday. Ten days my foot.'

So people of blogworld. I am drinking orange juice today as recommended by the book when breaking the detox fast and have taken Probiotics to reestablish my gut flora. I was quite weak last night. I don't know if its because I reduced the sugar in my lemonade or not but the energy I had in the morning came cascading down. Luckily I had gone shopping with my colleague the night before and bought stuff to break the detox on sunday and a juicer too!

Orange juice feels so good! Who knew.


LondonBuki said...

Thank you God! Thank you Jesus! I always knew you existed and this is proof!!!


I am so glad you are off this fast... I am happy you got good results but due to past experiences with you(cough), I didn't want you fainting on the streets of Romania and being feasted on by the stray dogs.


TMinx said...

You make it sound like I had an eating disorder oh. Berra stop that!

LondonBuki said...

LOL! Behave yourself and stop it jo! I know it wasn't your intention to lose weight... it was to clean out your clogged up stystem - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

But you said you were getting skinny and I was a little worried....

I love Salome... love her! And you too I guess ;-)



Ms zee said...

Good job, easy on the solid food... take it very very very easy....

bumight said...

at least you stayed on it for a week!

I guess salome felt that you had detoxified enough, loL!

Anonymous said...

ok i want more details.
the fast doesnt sound healthy but it sounds like it works at least. how long till you can go back to regular meals?

Anonymous said...

ok i want more details.
the fast doesnt sound healthy but it sounds like it works at least. how long till you can go back to regular meals?

Favoured Girl said...

Great stuff T-Minx, lol @ your dream of pancakes flying! Hope you are good and you won't resume consuming unhealthy stuff.

PS: I wrote the Bibanke gist on my blog ages ago, sorry I meant to tell you earlier ;-)

TMinx said...

@LB, Salome loves you too
@Mz Zee thanks for the support!
@bumight, lol, she did oh.
@geisha, you have to come off slowly, Orange juice the first day then Oj for brekkie and light veggie soup for lunch/dinner the next day then Veggie soup for lunch and salad for dinner the day after that. Then you can resume normal eating
@FG, thanks I'm running there now

Anonymous said...

Hello, im the maker of and I wanted to say youve got a cool blog and i like the music. Youve got a populer weblog keep it up.
Thanks for leaving credit from the template, I like the changed you did to it while keeping a really cool blog.
Good job.

Engee said...

Eh u have stopped???? and i was hoping to draw strength from you....sobs.....

Anyway u tried my dear. hope i can go on for that long. thank God u got results.

thanks for the tips on the maple syrup. i hope u gain ur weight back and fast too. (if thats what u want)......hehehe

take good care of u

Anonymous said...

eemh babes the mixture as in the juice, maple syrup n pepper.............. it taste very good on its own before you actually pour the 2Ltrs or water. was just wondering is that how tasteless its supposed to be after the water input? or can u actually add more juice n syrup? gabriella

Nigerian Drama Queen said...

Like I said, I could only last 2days on that thing, so you did an AMAZING job!

TMinx said...

@Eshan, thanks!
@Engee, well you gain more than half of what you lost back when you resume normal eating and are not watching your food... thats just fine with me.
@you realise its one cup of water in the reipe right? So 2 litres will be like 10 tablespoons of lemon and 10 tablespoons maple syrup...
@Nigerian drama queen, thanks!!

Zena said...

you were amazing either way hun.

Anonymous said...

just wondering if nigerian
dry red pepper can be used as a substitute for cayenne pepper??

O'Dee said...

U tried oh. Am sure u feel like eating the world.

Vera Ezimora said...

Ah, thank God you have stopped oo. I was about to call the food cops. LOL

TMinx said...

@Zena, thanks girl!
@anonymous...cayenne pepper is red pepper so if you have the ground red pepper then it should be fine...
@oluwadee, its actually the opposite. I don't feel like eating much and my stomach is smaller. Its easy to fall back into old eating habits though
@Vera lol, thanks for the concern.

UndaCovaSista said...

Well done for completing it! Sounds like something i should do too...

Smaragd said...

okay i'm so lost! i've read up from day 3 to 7 and while i know u are detoxing, i need to know why? and what's with the side pains?

please, now that u are gradually eating again, can u post a comment on my blog about this so i can have an idea or better still tell me which post to start from? (if it's not too much to ask)

geez, not eating for 7days! that sounds like my father and his fasting programs!

Ojy said...

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Also have a blog at
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