Trying to sing a rock song is draining oh. Wow that took some time to get right but if you like it pls VOTE FOR TMINX HERE. I respect musicians and all the work they have to do repeating a damn line for a song.
Being the oldest child is not easy, I'm forever trying to make sure the others are okay. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't but I thought at least I would be a point of contact if they ever got into problems since, obvously, I may have gone through the same situation. I guess I am officially old, or maybe too hard cos one of them had a serious issue and didn't bother to let me know about it and just sat there suffering and smiling. Suffering, sweating and smiling. Anyway a very smart friend came to me with the problem and of course a problem shared is a problem solved. So I beg you E, O and O, know you can tell me anything in confidence. I know I can be tough, but to me, there is nothing like family. And if you don't, watch me beat it out of your friends. Love you guys with all my being.
Its midsummer today. June 22...summer solstice.....yah. So i'm on a holiday. YAY. My trip to Nigeria is fast approaching everyday, and i'm still getting ludicrously excited like i have been away for a hundred years intstead of only 2 months. Simply G, make sure you get in touch. Temmy, maybe we will see and Uzo, we have to try and catch up :).
So my plans for today? To go and watch Swedes get drunk, wear flower rings on their heads and jump around like frogs singing and dancing round a huge maypole. I'll probably join in the fun too seeing all I need is air, to act a fool. The song is
"Helan går"
Helan går
sjung hoppfaderallanlallanlej
Helan går
sjung hoppfaderallanlej.
Och den som inte Helan tar
han heller inte Halvan får.
Helan gårsjung hoppfaderallanlej.
"Helan går" in English
Hell and gore
Chank happ fallerallan-lay
Hell and gore
Chank happ fallerallan-lay
Oh handsome in the hell and tar
and hell are in the half and four
Hell and gore
Chank happ fallerallan-lay
"Traditionally, young people pick bouquets of seven or nine different flowers and put them under their pillow in the hope of dreaming about their future spouse."
Dammmmmnnnnn, no wonder!!! I need to resolve that problem and go and find me some flowers so I can ddreeeaaaam a good dream lol! Who needs some of these flowers? Don't front now oh. I can fedex it.
Song playing: Tease Me by Chaka demus and Pliers. Who remembers flexing to this song?
Happy birthday in arrears to all the June babies.
Pictures from here
The One Thing You Must Consider With Mutual Fund
5 years ago
I want to be first but I doubt I am :-(
I am so sorry I didn't come this weekend... x x x
For some reason that kissing pic is a bit scary! :-D
Azuka took the words out of my mouth...
Tminx you rocked!
well done girl!!!
You sang well. You r really improving. Well done
I didn't know how to FLEX :-(
I'm kind of the oldest too and yeah I feel responsible for my younger siblings, luckily they've both got good-ish heads on their shoulders so I don't have to worry too much.
Can you post me some flowers please? I'll email you my address! Lol
I think the old couple kissing are cute.
Okay! Is it just me? Cause even when you translated the song in English, I still don’t get it. I guess my Oyinbo never reach there.
Don’t worry about your siblings - the older you get the more closer you become (I think). There is really a huge age gap bwt my siblings and I and i feel they see me as an aunty rather than a sister. i try everyday but they think i am just like our parents and won’t understand. My brother is talking more to me as he is getting older but not enough!
TMINXXXXXX...ha ha maybe I'll put flowers under my pillow too...even though I already...u know....he he he...
Girl, u're doing a GREATTT job on the blogville idols...I just wish i could vote for more than one I feel so limited!!!! Keep it up though, I'm looking forward to u still being there on the next round!!!
You don't need to beg for my vote, I just turn up first, vote for you before I listen to the contestants randition..lolol..You are a star in my eyes
There is like a serius festival going down here, for 5 days. We have monday and tuesday off. I didnt know, hence could have gone home today or even other part of europe.
eermm so what airline re you going with back to naija, trying to sort another trip out.
ooh its quite funny, cause I was telling naija bloke this morning how I dreamt of meeting my husband and we shared many moments together and we were then married for like 25 years before I woke up. He told me he will slap me to wake up..lolol..and now all this post of flowers and dreams all on the same day..well, dreamwise Ive found me my man..lolol.. Have a blessed weekend.
tminx can u turn on ur rss reader in ur settings so i can add ur blog to my feed that i get on my desktop...
Enjoy ur celebration.....and have a good weekend
I remember flexing to this in JS 2. We had to then flex to our class mates singing some yoruba song in the yoruba class but cos I wasn't very good, it was an eyesore. I got teased for days. Rarhh, I miss them days, miss my school, misss Benin Shity.
"She gimme one smile, two smile, three smile."
"I will never forget the first time we kissed, its like striking gold, catching a big fish."
Why does Chakademus remind me of your agbaya?
I feel u on the oldest thing although I'm not the oldest! but i am the 'go to person'....if my older sisters have issues, they call me, if my lil sisters have issues they call me....I guess middle children have to carry the burden as well!
the kissing pic is cute....all the oldies in love
Thanx T.Minx...U can FedEx me the flower too so I can dream gud dream too about my future spouse...I nefer knew wa o...all these years gone by like a fast moving train. If and only if I had known earlier...anyways, it is nefer too late to begin d dream...
Good luck on anuda round on B.I!!!
Oh something different...Enjoy oh...and don't 4got to come back and blog about it..
Have a FAB weekend!!!
@LB, you are! Pear cider for you
@Azuka, imagine, don't get old oh
@Chxta, same goes for you
@Anonymous, thanks :)
@Kmb, at least im improving :) thank you
@LB, lol, I did a manangeable flex
@Vicki, they will be with you pronto!
@allied, lol, I don't get it at all. Its a crazy song. I'll try not to worry
@jaycee, thanks for the voice comment!
@LOAS, lol, I blushhh. Thanks for voting and my your dream come true. Amen
@Mona, thanks , will do.
@Clo, mu mum is from Benin city ;)
@mocha, ewwww, lol!
@Bella, wow thats tough but it means you have a great head on your shoulders
@opeke, i will send it to you ASAP
@Dimples, thanks girl. |Hope you are good.
Did u put flowers under your pillow. We need to hook up o. I am in Nigeria till mid July.
well written big sister
pls go to our page and see if u are still in d running towards being blogvilles 1st idol..if you are pls start sending in your producers choice song!if you have being eliminated,we thank you for ur time and effort...and pls write ur farewell speech to would be put on d page ..tanx PINKPEKE PRODUCTION
rooting for you...enjoying the music on ur page. Thankfully your sibs friends are comfortable with/smart enough to keep you in the loop when needed. I think it human nature that we like to think we can handle everything on our own and fail to realize that sometimes just a chat with someone you trust can really help.
pls if u can turn it ur song today SUNDAY pls do so..tanx
i am the youngest so i get away with everything. In never liked this song though :(
Tease me
Tease me
Tease me Babyyyy
Till I lose controoool...
u giving out "dream flowers"? Biko send some to
C/o Cupid okpomoto
1111 Godisamiracleworker Avenue
Inneedoflove, USA 12345.
Tease Me by Chaka demus and Pliers
sounds familiar
gal flex
time to have sex
look how long
u have the rude boy a wait
was that them
good luck next round
Flowers under ur pillow sounds really nasty...You did well on the rock song...well done..|can totally relate as well seeing as i am a first child as well
Okay i'm completely clueless as to what that song means. ???
OMG... I LOVED THAT SONG. I used to flex to the ground easy. then i'll combine it with butterfly. lol.
Those days of youth.
It is quite difficult to sing rock music... but it appears more difficult to sing swedish music (smile)
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