So obviously the juciest juicy jist is that I got serenaded by two blogger men. No my head isn't swelling, I'm just giving you the goss. So see the lovely poems here...Babaalaye and Boorish Male.I accepted both their proposals, Baba's hand in blog marriage and Boorishes hand in offline friendship. Here is my engagement ring. Don't go blind now. Shield YA eyes.
Babaalaye and I plan to elope soon. We feel it is oh so much more romantic. We will have a party for you guys when we get back.
More juicy stuff. If you haven't been to Diamond Hawks page then you truly are not down with the 419 sorry 411. Blogger Bacholorette is going on. Who are the Bachelors. I have my guesses. Lol. I think I'm mostly right too.
It truly baffles me how cold it is abroad! Maybe I just forgot how long the winter lasts. Here are some bloggers who have documented the weather.Boso, Calabar Gal and Chxta
Aramide's guest discusses all the crazy things girls have done for guys. I personally haven't done anything crazy. Well going to a phonebooth at 2am in the morning to make a long distance call could count as crazy. LOLLLL!! I reminisce.
NaijaVixen tells us about whats going on this Val week.
Vicki makes up with her friend. So sweet!
Kulutempa had a hilarious video of two drivers quarelling in Nigeria. Especially for those who have missed the Nigerian accent.
Buki reveals her sexy eyes. They see 50% more than I can lollll. Love you Buki.
Biodun is coming home for NYSC. You are going to have a blast and meet loads of new people. It will make up for the frustrations you will face lol.
Confused Naija Girl is facing some serious opression. Good luck with that girl. I'm sure you are hot and confident enough not to be opressed this year.
Daddy girl has a three tag on her blog. Looks interesting.
Babs. Please attend his housewarming. This blog template is very creative.
Bunmi Perfect Photography
Frozen Pink I can't even express how I feel about 'the' post. I'm sorry you went through that.
Naija Jinx
Wildcat Temmys best friend. And you know they say birds of a feathe..hmm Temmy you have been hiding stuff from us lol.
Einner. Who is Einner?
Excessive Diva
Goodbye Belle. Its sad to see you go. You didn't even leave your blog for a while. Hope you saved it though. It could be good to reflect back on the person you were a few years down the line. Take care and stop by every now and then! You will be missed.
The One Thing You Must Consider With Mutual Fund
5 years ago
Ok, you tried! Nice post!
You made up for wasting my time all morning! I am going to check out a couple of the New blogs, I haven't heard about...
As for you saying my eyes seeing 50% more than yours, I WILL get you for that! Just wait and see!
Enjoy your weekend! Lurrve ya!
P.S. I miss Belle's blog, hope she leaves a comment here to say hi.
A meme on a blog? Off i go to do it.........
Hmmm T-Minx this your blog persona must be very captivationg o. See how the guys can't resist you. LOL @ the word "Blogituary", the things we come up with in Blogsville are hilarious! I miss Belle's blog too. I thought she was joking when she said she was leaving. (I hope she resurfaces again). Meanwhile I've been checking out some of the new bloggers around, their blogs very interesting so I'll be going back. I might also get round to going a few of the Memes going round at the mo.
Have a great weekend!
Congrats Buki. Two tickets to see the Love concert on Saturday at the Oceanview. I'll give you the tickets when I see you.
@Uzo lol, meme whore
@Favoured girl, Its quite nice to get all this attention even if its in Blogville. Lets see how long it lasts lol. I thought Belle was joking too. I hope shes ok.
I am really sad that Belle stopped blogging.
I think Einner is Belle!
And I have disowned wild cat o. Like she said she is wild and I am not.I love her tho.
@temmy, I know
@anonymous, thats what I was wondering. We love you Belle!
@temmy, lol.
Thanks for the shout T Minx. I love this your BloNgVille gossip.
This your blogger personality is real WoW O1 everyone is getting swept off.
Love your Shutterchance blog. Just starting out with photography so I'll disturb you some overthere. LOL
AS alsways you are forever current on the affairs of blog.
And it is sad to see Belle leave.
i didnt know she stopped blogging. I clicked on her link and it took me to
this random site.
She will be missed.
We could do better. I thought Nigerians wrote the best obituaries in the world?
"With gratitude to God for a blog well written but with deep sadness at our loss we the members of the Nigerian Blogosphere..."'re too sweet.
will definitely drop by and check on you :)
oh...and!)...i'm not Einner!haba!
Nice ring ....
Thanks Tminx.
Has Belle really stopped blogging? Noticed her URL opens to something different entirely. How do u know she's truly stopped blogging and not had a little bit of problems with her blog?
Happy...what do you say to a newly engaged person?i tire oh,o Congrats instead...great post,have a fab wknd!
nice blog
Did I lose the gist or something? When and why did Belle shut down her blog? I read it the other day but I forgot. I went there 2day only 2 see links to gay dudes pictures or something like that. I wss freaked o! It was later that I remembered I read something like that here. Wetin happen now?
uhm uhm... I crack my throat...
@babs, no problemo,
@life of a stranger, merci
@CNG, Blogger seems to have issues with that. Deleted blogs tend to have porn on the link
@Azuka, thanks for the write up. One minute of silence please
@belle, are you really sure??? Well see you then.
@Jem, thanks :)
@calabar girl, take heart she is gone.
@naijavixen, thanks very much
#Chidi, thanks!
@Vera, I don't know oh. Hope shes ok
@unnaked, why are you 'cracking' you throat?
Uh oh lady uve mixed it up i was discussin crazy things we've done while my guest suzy peaches was talking about unrequited love...another post xxx
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