In the spirit of things, I'd like to share some crazy cards prepared soley for valentines day.This brings Jennifer Hudson to mind he hee.
So I attended the History of Love concert and met Uzo the blogger bachelorette. It was really nice to meet you Uzo. Together we sang along with Donnell Jones and endured Dbanj's rude performance of a song called ANACONDA in which he encouraged guy to make fists to represent their ANACONDAS and sang a line about a girl sucking his nether regions...Idiot. His other performances *almost* made up for it. Chante and Kenny are the sweetest couple I've seen in a while and that man has serious game oh. He knows just what we ladies need to hear. As for 112, Slim isn't so slim anymore lol. But they were okay too and performed the usual ballads including Only you. The capacity was less than expected, which was expected really at 30,000 for singles and 60,000 for a couple. I'll upload pics later in the week.
This week there are several things planned for the D day. On Wednesday, there is going to be an exhibition at XQZ moi with 2Face performing. I guess it’s an exhibition of love or something cos I don't get it.
Transcorp shares have been extended till Wednesday too so lovers can buy shares for their significant others on vals day.
Dan Foster is hooking people up on blind dates on his show. The last one was a flop. The guy lied about his height. He was 5" 6 and the girl was 5" 11. She said he was dressed like a rapper with bling all over and his chest open. She thought it was a joke. Dan please hook her up again.
This week, I'm going to feature some sexy songs I love. You know when you meet someone for the first time and there’s something about that person that piques your interest. You want to get to know the person better. Well this song embodies those feelings. Enjoy
I'm too good! FIRST!
I was at the show too! Talk about being wack!!! The whole show could've jolly well been a dbanj show, at least they won't have charged N50k.He was the best part of the show, forget chante moore and co.
At least the tickets were free so I can't say I wasted my money
You got to meet Uzo? I am jealous, hope you guys had FUN!
I heard about DBanj's rude song... LOL! His SWEATY nether regions!
You know I am dry, I don't know anything about anything going on here for Vals day, I will be dragging myself to work so early, the last thing on my mind will be LOVE! LOL!!!
Sounds like u all had a nice time.Am waiting for Dbanj to come to london but i haven't actually heard the rude song.
lol @ buki..
Glad u had fun @ the concert, despite d'banj's foolishness. Uzo's cool pples....
i so feel you about the feelings, you feel when you meet someone you like... darn it all, i wish i didn't, lol.
i cant play the vid oh! is it just me?
Nice to meet you too my dear. I enjoyed myself thoroughly. The anaconda song while being rude was quite amusing. Maybe i am easy but i had a blast. TMinx, can u email me the pictures from the show as well?
Who told you that is nether region is sweaty???? You this little
Kai, i can imagine o. Obun ni boy yen.
Tminx u dey enjoy o. Did you go with Babaalaye?
im sendn that vals card to every1 i know!!!who else performed at d history of luv concert?i cant wait 2 see pictures...hav a great week!
its a shame we dont get to see the pics. sounds like it was a whole lot of fun.
lol @ your descpription of dbanj's song. Love Kenny and Chante; theyre an inspirational couple. I always knew he was rude; all his thinly vieled innuendo..
so the price wasn't a rumor? Somebody paid my entire student loan payment plus jara for a few hours, dammit America is oppressing me OGINI!
hey E' do you have your adobe CS2 now??
I wonder y people didnt go...I guess not everyone wants to do their vals celebration with a bunch of people or maybe they should have had it on vals day itself...
lol @ the d'banj song...
tht boy is crazy but I still luv him...
Bella Naija aka Kokolet #1
lol at d'banj. He has to chillax , he is obsessed with sex, he is like a teenager.
But the main question is what is going on for vals day between you and baba alaye??!!!
@LB, you are on point lol
@anonymous lol, I'm happy we could get so excited for a Nigerian artist cos it wasn't the same story atthe thisday festival.
@LB, Yes I met Uzo. Don't worry I'll send you a val e-card lol
@LNC, you will hear it very soon, no doubt.
@zai, yes she is.
@anonymous, i can't find anything wrong with it. Soweeeee.
@Uzo, lol, it was just unbelievable but then he is a juvenile
@temmy, ask Buki oh, no my boo is planning our trip.
@naijavixen and life of a stranger, I'll put up the pics soon
@Nanya, lol, don't see how I can ever appreciate the song. Its so silly
@kpakpando, abeg which school you dey go lol
@Mz Zee, I don't oh, you have a deal for me?
@Bella, Ms kokolet lol.
@CNG, I know right. I'm sure he isn't lacking sex with all his groupies lol. You these blog instigators sha.
@eminie, lol, I went as a single sexy and free lady. Waraheellll lol.
Ok, we have heard where's DAY 2???
musiq sounds tired.. but he's a beautiful singer though! awww@meeting up with uzo... thats so cute.. i don't really know this ejbang dude or worreva.. maybe i should check him out cos every nigerian can't stop going on about him!
It's all about Vals/Love isn't
My-O-My, that card's hilarious. Gal,'tis the seasoon o, i'm 'redding" out until Vals day. A touch of red on every outfit. hehehe
I love that card!!! I'm sending it to my man unfailingly and every other man I know just for the fun of it. Have a lovely Valentine's day!!
shuo! am the only guy here sha... the joint stick of femones... I like... LOL
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