Sunday, January 28, 2007


I just scratched mumsies car. I guess no 'Blood Diamonds' for me today.


Anonymous said...

Tminx !!! how did u do this ! just give us the details and what mummy said too !!!
I hope its insured sha !

Anonymous said...

Hello Tminx
i just started a blog and i came accross this blog he is the oldest english blogger , the oldest is Swedish(non-english)
We can learn a thing or two from him .

Chxta said...

Come dis babe e be like say you be road hazard...

Unknown said...

Oh dear, Oh dear!!! Werent you supposed to be on ur sickbed and in quarantine so u wouldnt spread those spots to everyone else?

How on earth did you manage to scratch mumsie's car? You werent looking or some other driver was at fault? Details please!!!!

LondonBuki said...

Oh No! The silver one???

Anyway, I saw Blood Diamond Today and I liked it (although I shut my eyes during some of the bloody parts).

P.S. You've changed to New Blogger?

..... said...


Hey saw you pix too. You a beauty. LOL

Anonymous said...

Na wa o. Take it easy. I agree with chxta though.

Yankeenaijababe said...

Eh yah............hope mum won't be mad.

Azuka said...

Lol at road hazard. Perhaps you're giving your mum's car the car's version of CP?

Olawunmi said...

[sings in annoying child's voice whilst jumping up and down on the same spot]

"den den den, i will tell mommy for you, you have scratch the car

den den den, i will tell mommy for you, they will beat you fayo fayo"

Dimples said...
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Dimples said...

Eya pele o...I hope she's cool about it sha??I guess your pay cheque is coming into good use.

DiAmOnD hawk said...

just how bad is the scratch...and im guessing it's a new car.... it was the okada guy with caution when Tminx around

anyways have a great week ahead

Jennifer A. said...

Pele Tminx...I'm sure ur mom will forgive u. Hope it's not too bad

Ubong Da said...

someone is going to get it hehehehe. den den I would tell mummy, den den i would tell mummy.....

temmy tayo said...

Just send me the bil. Because of the love I have fr you, I will pay.

Noni Moss said...

Lolll - what did your mumsie say? Is it a big noticeable scratch?

Remember the days when you would have been scared to tell for fear of being beated. Are you now to big to be flogged ;-)? Maybe she'll remmeber you've been ill and take it easy on you.

TMinx said...

Hi everyone,

Well now that the driver used some chemical to wash off the stain (cos the gate is brown), its not asss bad but its kind of ugly. The place where the car is parked has a verrry narrow gate and all this time I have managed not to scratch it but I miscalculated on my way back from church yesterday when I turned at an angle. She said "NONSENSEEEEEE" and proceeded to tell me how she parks the car with very extensive details and I was bored as hell but had to listen so she wouldn't get angrier. Chxta, no let me catch you oh!

Uzo said...

Blood diamond is a good flick. How did the accident happen?