Monday, January 29, 2007

Back to work

I'm happy to be back at work but I'm sad.

It was a sad sight that greeted me (Nigerian phrase! or is it clause?) when I walked in to see a tribute to our colleague who was killed at Akponbon last week. She had her whole life ahead of her and a two year old kid. Apparently the car broke down and then they were attacked by area boys. She was rushed to the hospital but had lost a lot of blood and evetually passed away. She was about 30. I wasn't sure who she was (since I just started and there are so many new faces and names) until I saw her picture and I remember her introdcuing herslef to me and being genuinely interested in me and the program. She was always smiling.

Now controversial stuff is coming up because the stories are changing and eye-witness accounts are different. Whats sure is that she was attacked at Akponbon though and its sad to see that the papers did not talk about the dire state of the road in that area. There is a constant traffic Jam even at 9 in the evening because the road is in shambles. There must be 20-30 small pot-holes in just that little stretch of road between Eko Bridge, and it has been like that for ages. Even if the car does not break down, there is still a chance of getting attacked because of the traffic caused by the bad roads. You cannot even speed through to get away from robbers even of there was no one else on the road.

Whats the alternative for us underpriviledged forgotten mainlanders? Carter Brigde!! I laugh in sadness. Everyday is a win or lose game. Do I get home with my life intact or not. I pray, then I leave it to God. For how long?

Its sad that roads cannot be maintained in Nigeria. Candidates are fighting to be Governors and nothing is presently being done to provide...Electricity, Safety...even Fuel.

I'm sad that I am a Nigerian.


naijabelle said...

Very sad,Gone too soon. I pray that God comforts her family and her soul rests in peace. Its so unfortunate that such a promising individual had to go but God knows best. Hmmmm! Naija sha.

Noni Moss said...

Whoa - that is terrible news.

LondonBuki said...

How sad! May her soul rest in perfect peace and may the Almighty God be a comforter to her loved ones... AMEN!

I know!!! That Akpongbon area is ridiculous... you have no choice - you have to drive slowly, if you love your car!

It's really sad, the state of the roads everywhere in Lagos! Not to talk of other issues!!!


Nilla said...

Yeah it's sad....
We can't keep saying God help Nigeria, and just sit down and look. We have to do something.
I say Amen to Londonnaijachic's prayer.
Have a wonderful week ahead though

Anonymous said...

So terrible. I wonder what makes people act so violently as to kill without remorse.

May she rest in peace...

Anonymous said...

I think I saw an email about this one, you work for a telecommunications firm, right?

very sad, my dad was attacked there last year, and I was attacked at Carter Bridge during my last trip to Nigeria in 2003.

God help us o !!

Bella Naija said...

I read about this on Dipo Tepede's blog.
Its just so sad. No matter how optimistic we try to be about the state of Nigeria, this is just tragic.
Whatever the real story is, the result still remains the same. Her child is motherless and her husband is wifeless.
God help us. Those who killed her will not be caught by the police, I am sure but God will issue his own punishment.


Bubbles said...

I keep saying that nigeria's not safe, but pple always say i say that becos i don't live there. This proves my point. It's really sad.

Vera Ezimora said...

Oh that is really sad! Stories like this make me wanna scream. It could have been avoided, but it wasn't.

Naija needs some major work 4 real. God is our only helper.

Anthony Arojojoye said...

It's a pity.
I saw the mail last week but I thought it was just one of those make-believe stories.
It's very sad. God help us all.

Naijadude said...

When does it get better in Nigeria? I am still patiently awaiting that reply, its just plain sad to read about this every day! Is this the country I want to go back to?? hmm I doubt that
I hope she rest in peace!!!

Anonymous said...

On Wednesday when a colleague ran to me I tears I was wondering what was wrong , she just got a mail that her former classmate was killed on Apongbon bridge , I knew nigeria was in trouble. This is a young promising lady who had accomplished so much infact she told us to Google her name and see what she had achieved . Another mail came in almost immediately on this issue saying some of other people were shot on that bridge and only escaped by the whiskers. I remembered another colleague was attacked on that bridge on a Sunday towards the end of last year when her car broke down N25000 was collected from her brother , she was so destruct she was almost crying when narrating her ordeal. I was on that same bridge for 2 hrs earlier this month from 6-8pm in a terrible traffic it was really crazy ! come to think of it, the place where this bridge is located is by one of the largest markets in Lagos where millions are generated daily! The ditches or wells at the foot of the bridge is so deep even a Hummer Jeep would have to slow down to drive in that area . I went for a party on Saturday on the island and read that 20000 police officers were deployed to Lagos simply because some people were having a jamboree and I really felt their presence every where !I left the party earlier than usual because I had to pass the bridge . I recited psalm 23 the way and on Sunday too all through the slow moving traffic I looking left and right every second ! some guys in another car were looking at me curiously and just told me to move in drive in front of them !
Now we get security report saying people are robbed daily on that bridge ! infact I pray daily that security alert should get to me only when I am at home most areas in Lagos are now regarded as 'black spot'.
I pray 'C' rests in peace !
This is not the Nigeria of my dream !

bibi said...

zysJesus!!!this is terrible news...Ive heard similar stories of "apogbon" hoodlums..but not a death..May GOd rest her soul.and i pray the culprits pay for their deeds!!

Unknown said...

May her soul rest in peace!! What was her name Tminx?

ABBEY said...

meen area boys and armed robbers, that's one of the country's greatest negatives. I try not to think about it too much if not I would be over stressed, one can only pray.

Even some of the wealthy people in Nigeria say they don't have good rest in their mansions until they go abroad, asleep on a bed 10 times smaller than theirs. Somethings money can't buy...GOD help our country.

Dimples said...

Eya may her sould R.I.P and may God give her family to bear this great loss.

And please let's not forget to continue to pray for our great nation...NIGERIA!!!

UnNaked Soul said...

the whole world is making a brova crazy... dear lord if you hear me tell me why? little lady like this she's had to die... she never saw it coming, she bled and dropped!

Politicians kicking thinking that the world is safe, while a poor lady wrestle to an early grave!!!

phew!!! am lost for words :-(

Anonymous said...

that's so sad...a young life cut short like that :(
May God be with her family...

Anonymous said...

This is such a shame & the last sentence is touching too. Why do we have such insensitive govts that cant give us basics.

Tinubu is busy carrying brooms around saying he is sweeping Lagos of PDP. Babaalaye's father(Obasanjo) is busy fighting with his vice & turning the country into a farce. His Vice(Atiku) is busy fighting with Buhari over who will represent them in their alliance.

Yet everyday people die needless deaths in traffic,in our pathetic hospitals, in robberies & yet these govt officials cant spare a thought for us.Real shame!

Uzo said...

I heard about this too. Its really sad. That bridge is so notorious though. I have never driven on that bridge. I will take the 3rd mainland bridge traffic anyday since i work on the island.

Something has to be done about that bridge though. Its ridiculous that this has become common practice. The police say there is an incident EVERYDAY on that bridge.

TMinx....isnt there another route you can take?

Elle Woods said...

Sadness......and our leaders know how to ran ishan mo owo....what are they doing with it?
God bless Nigeria.

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

I did read about this on dipo's blog. Its very sad news indeed -that such can happen, even whilst people are around. Ther boldness of the criminal. Lets ask God to comfort her family, during this difficult time.

TMinx said...

@clalbar girl, her name - Clemetina Saduwa

Demi said...

So sad. why would they kill her though? I'm sure she wouldn't have struggled to give them what they asked. Why? I don't get it and i'm just getting less and less optimistic about this country we call Nigeria. It's like everything that could go wrong about a Nation and it's people has gone wrong for Nigeria. When will we exhale? When?

temmy tayo said...

May God be with her family.
@Desola: we have to keep praying and waiting on God for our Country.


Incidents like these makes me wonder if this country will get better. May God rest her soul and comfort her family. This country makes me sick to my stomach sometimes.

Anonymous said...

OH My someone tetified about this in church on sunday!! May God be with her family!!

Chxta said...

Mrs. Clementina Saduwa?

Anonymous said...

It is a tragedy and I pray that the Good Lord will grant her eternal rest...may her gentle soul rest in peace... She was a classmate of mine...very intelligent, hardworking, always calm and collected. It is sad and we are still in shock. Tina, UNN graduating class of 2001 misses you...