Monday, October 05, 2009

Don't put all your eggs in one basket!

I read somewhere that one should have multiple streams of income. I currently have only one now that I have quit my job. And its not like the money is currently pouring in from that one stream either.  I thank God that I have been called for some jobs, but I'm going to have to get some repeat clients if I'm to make the kind of money I planned for each month (which is quite a reasonable sum). Being an entrepreneur is not easy and I never thought it would be, do I'm pleased with the challenge. This week I plan to  meet with two of my mentors. I think its important to have mentors who can guide you. I've chosen one for his experience in photography and the other for his business acumen. I hope they will accept.

I'm also attending an entrepreneurial workshop hosted by the British council meant for entrepreneurs in the creative field. I'm looking forward to it because you get to meet gurus from your industry and learn a lot about getting your business off the ground.

Its a bit scar not knowing where your next paycheck is coming from. I had a bit of money saved up so that what I'm using as a cushiony cushion right now ( I haven't received it all from my ex company but its still mine :)). I don't expect to be making millions in the first year but I would like to do as many jobs as I possibly can so I can so my I can increase my presence in the market. 

So back to the streams of income. I have only measly stream. I have to think of more. I could

1) Finish my book

I've been writing a book for the past two years. Its actually quite embarrassing. I think I'm going to just have to schedule regular hours to complete this book.

2) Find a writing job (short articles)- 

I was freelancing for a new newspaper but it was difficult to meet deadlines while I was at work but now I have more time on my hands (at least for now), I can actually go back to freelancing.

3) Marry/Date a rich sugar daddy(he heeee)

Don't think I need to explain this. Don't think a certain someone will be happy with this option lol. 

4) Create my website and upload stock photo's for sale 

(I've started the process). This will mean  have to keep my camera handy as well as come up with creative concepts for my photographs as well as travel around taking shots of monuments etc around Nigeria.

5) Team up with my mum to run her boutique when its opened

Which will be pretty soon. 

6) Think think think!

I really need to think up viable sources of income! 

I'll be putting up samples of my christmas photo card offerings on Wednesday.

Picture from HERE


Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

I totally feel you here! The key is generating multiple streams of income! It takes time but it will pay off :)

Good Naija Girl said...

It sounds like you've got all your bases covered. I hope the jobs come pouring in even faster, especially for the Christmas season.

Writefreak said...

Well done babe! Entrepreneuship is not the easiest of routes but it does get better with diligence!

Also thinking of multiple streams of income, you're a step ahead, you have your options already!

Well done!

Myne said...

I wish you luck. I'm writing a book too and you can imagine how much discipline that takes.

Stashat said...

You're writing a book! I smell a rat, are you the PhantomWriter that was putting some chapters of her work online at some point?

Patrice said...

Have you looked into depositing some of your niche photos into the larger image banks, like Corbis or Getty Images? Not sure how easy it would be, but iStockphoto is another, perhaps simpler, option. Have you registered your services with catalogue companies?

t said...

Taureans rule!