I hadn't planned to go to the concert, there were too many unkowns..and we were not sure about the security. To top it off, the first day was cancelled. A friend of mine called while JL was performing on the second day and said things were quite organised and safe so I decided to join them. I arrived late, after Shakira, and JL had performed and walked in just as Dbanj told the audience the REAL koko. A whole host of dancers in colourful traditional attire burst unto the stage and did an excellent job of entertaining us. It was very good. I surveyed the set up of Thisday events center. It's a huge white tent, well airconditioned and was divided into,regular, at the back, VIP, in the middle which was a great view and presidential sitting which was right in front of the stage. It was so unfair once again that they didn't think it was necessary to somehow elevate the regular section, I don't know how they saw the stage especially if the folks in the VIP section stood on their chairs. Each section was divided by a wire fence. ...the hitch was that the fence dividing VIP from Presidential was not long enough so all I had to do was walk to the where the fence stopped and voila, I was a presidential girl. Hey what can I say, the hall was not filled to capacity so there were a few free places in both the VIP and presidential sections.
The place was swarming with really young, too cool for school, kids. It made me feel quite old, then quite annoyed seeing as most were extremely rude. There were long intermissions between each act and they would get restless and get up from their seats more than a dozen times a minute, squeeze by you without an 'excuse me', pass things over your head, hit you, discuss loudly over you, eye you for telling them to say 'excuse me please', lol. I felt like an old woman there seriously. My friend said she wasn't going to get into argument with them in case the asked her if she knew how much their school fees cost or who their fathers were lol.Anyway days after Dbanj, Kelly Rowland sashayed on stage with her dancers and they were really rocking the crowd until she stylishly slumped. She was singing say my name at the time and my friends decided that some Juju people must have said her name in a bid to distract and get into the concert. Immediately people surrounded her..she needed air not a hundred people choking her air supply! One of her dancers was such an alarmist, she put her hand on her head and was wailing. We seriously thought she had died or something. She was carried off the stage with a standing AC and someone fanning her.
The mood of the audience kind of mellowed after that, and after a few minutes we were told Kelly was okay and that the doctor was on the way. I would have thought they would have one on standby.

When he was done, it was 12 am and people started filing out..either they were done or they thought it was over. The organisers had to announce that it was not over and Neyo was yet to perform.
By the time Neyo was done, my friends and I were beat. UB40 and several Nigerian artists had not performed and it was nearly 2am. They seriously took the piss with the timing. Each artist took no less than 30 minutes to come on stage. We are a patient people..that's all I can say. Even the host Kate Henshaw went home cos all of a sudden Dan Foster took over. I can't even imagine how people who got there at 11am were able to cope. That's way too long
wow - we still have timing issues at home.. darn.... I love Neyo.. aww poor kelly, i hope she is ok...
you had fun that is good... UB40.. ok.. that musta been fun... did you take pictures??
Thanks for the small inside info on the Thisday music festival.
I dint go,my sleep was more important o jare.
Lol @ "i'm trying to type and my mum is trying to jist...she says im ignoring her"
I can so relate to that.Its funny how when u want to do something else,mums suddenly decide they want to jist.
that's how you know a Superstar (Beyonce) from a wannabe star (Kelly)...whats making her faint? abeg jare!! anyways, thank for the write up TMinx.
I think the spelling is 'GIST'....
Sorry just had to
lol@ ur mom! You know if she was serious she WILL make you stop typing,lol. And also your friend who didn't wanna scold the brats before they remind her who their father was...very funny!
Organization seems to be a taboo for nigerians i swear but we'll get there i think.
Sounds like you still had fun sha even though you missed JL...dat woulda bn d higlight for me.
U are really having a blast...looking forward to seeing pix or even video download o...hv fun!
lol @ the alarmist..i tiinks ey na only we 9ja dey put hand for our head and wail..lol..ur post put a smile on my face-dunno y?wish i was home and i could have gone
i forgot..mom Tminx..sorry ma,tmix is a bad girl for ignoring you!we are very very sorry!forgive her ma!lol that reminded me of begging a teacher on a classmates behalf "WE are sorry ma,SHE willnever do it again" LAWL
The festival sounds like so much fun ... I'm so jealous, wish I had been there!
I think like you, Neyo would have been my favourite!!
Perhaps i have been waiting for your own post...trust you to give a nice detailed account...
At least u had fun sha..VIP babe!!!
Enjoy ur holiday o..reality check to the IKEA country soon.
Girl, I'm with you on those snotty little kids. Did you notice how the state box section was nearly entirely filled with them? I just decided not to write about them on my own blog lest I get myself annoyed all over again. One of them (and she was like 12, but she could have been 10 for all I know with all that make-up and painted fingernails that she was rocking) in front of me kept whining to some guy to keep her seat for her as she needed to go outside and "get some air." And she kind of shrugged her shoulders in that huffy, impatient way that spoiled kids do when their demands are not being met. When she finally left to go and get her 'air', my sister looked at me all like, "Gosh! Were we like that in secondary school?" and then we burst into laughter. Ridiculous!
Oh my!
Don't ever ignore your mum cos of blog again o. Or else I will beat you. **rolling eyes** at the ceiling.
You enjoyed it a little abi? poor kelly.Naiaj heat no get part 2.
Wow, that sounds like a really long day. Where they trying to cramp everything into one day?
LOL@ure mom.
Baby u saw diddy? I'm MAD! Neyo, Kelly, JL are u kidding me? Heard about the wait dude. So not kool. Miss u!
I updated oh.
Eya i hope kelly's alright sha.
niceeeeeeee yea i heard t'wasnt as good as last year's...........
vip babe ;o)
U must have had SO MUCH FUN...that's gud
envy cannot describe what I am feeling right now...
Wow sounds like you had so much fun, and how evrything seemed to be happening around when you went to nigeria, people might begin to think you planned it all..lol..so how have you been, and your mum?
babe, e come be like say i dey the show! Thanks for the update, meanwhile, always answer mama's call o....nice blog
lol...TMINX IS A BIGGGER BABE!!!..VIP and THINGS!!!!...dont mind me jare...lol@ the spoilt rich kids.....
Hope u r enjoying ur hols..
geez...im so freaking jealous!!!!! did u take any pics of your own?
Boohoohoo! I want to attend a naija festival!!!
Thanks Tmix. Off to have a look at the pictures now.
Looks nice.
Hope Kelly doesn't feel too bad. All we hope and pray for is that she is alive and well. Who cares if she fell.
check out: foreveryourlady.blogspot.com
Das not so nice my dia......i mean the woman wanted to GIST lol.....but she would have cost us YOUR gist. das life she should take heart
@ j.f wats with the super star and wannabe.....dis na real bad belle
nice piece Tminx
awwww... now i feel like i was there... i'd give up my favorite bracelet to see john legend perform in concert... whenever will the dude come to canada?! i like dbanjs tongolo.. so i would've loved to see that performance.. kelly is beginning to tire me.. although it is unfortunate that she fainted of course... you never talked about rihanna.. abi you missed that one? lol ur mom is sooo cute...
Well, i just dropped by to let you know of a competition that is running at the africanloft.
Pls, participate.
Ps: 600 words is just a page..
Well, i just dropped by to let you know of a competition that is running at the africanloft.
Pls, participate.
Ps: 600 words is just a page..
TM, thanks for those update......
john legend and kelly were sure looking good....
poor Kelly, with the tight air condition stage. guess our nija breeze was too strong for her to handle. Lol
Hope she is ok sha....
just started my blog and hope u can hook up. www.julesosa55.blogspot.com
Great Write-up! Your vivid accout i dare say is the best so far.
Poor Kelly, too bad the naija heat did a number on her, now i understand she collapsed 'cuz of the heat and all but i have to be brutally honest and say; i never saw Kelly as a great performer to start with. if you had an opportunity to watch the BET awards earlier this month when Beyonce, Kelly and Eve performed together on stage alongside Michelle and Solange who where back-up dancers...u would know exactly what i mean. Kelly sucked vocally on stage. I know not everyone can hit those high notes like B but her husky voice kept going in and out. She couldn't hold the tune and dance in those high heeled pumps at the same time....you could hear her going out of breath and the strain in her voice. Like my good friend says....live performances does an excellent job of exposing "real stars" and "wanna be stars". Now am not trying to bash Kelly or anything like that, i think she's a beautiful, strong black woman....but perfoming?....well i'll leave y'all to decide.
Now as per the show, u had me rolling on the floor with ur description of those snotty little kids....lol. Naija kids are one of the most arrogant, rude,.. in your face kids i know....and i said I KNOW 'cuz i have first hand experience with my spoilt silly cousins back home. I would have to say our folks were much harder on us when we were coming up.
Now to conclude, i never heard of Sasha but i feel bad poor chick didn't get no love from her own. I bet if it was Eve or even Rah Digga whose career is almost over here in the states that took the stage to perform everyone would have been screaming like they were possessed. I swear we have serious COMPLEX issues. Anywho thats my two cents.
Least i forget, welcome home Tminx....hope u hope u are adjusting back to the crazy lagos life and traffic....lol...i bet u are!
i think i was the only one in lagos that didnt go, i wish i had tho,nyways welcome back to lagos
This Day is continuing this series! I'm sure there is always room for improvement. Thanks for sharing the review. Happy weekend.
Sounds like y'll had a lotta fun!
Ok... someone show me this yahoozee dance.
The song ain't bad at all!
Goshh...nigerians are really bad with planning n organisation... just saw 2face, tony tetula n P2 perform in manchester..they were great fair enof, but i promoted da event big tym, got all my friends to get VIP tickets cos we were told wewuld meet da starss.... VIP 4 where.... we were all sandwiched in the centre trying to grab peter n paul... i was soo pissed,i need da money back... but really wot can i do. Im soo motivated now to start my own event and entertainment thing.
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