Yes, Blogsville Gist is back guys. Lets jump right into it! Several people have celebrated anniversaries this month.It was Bellanaija's birthday on Thursday the 26th. Here's wishing you many more years of blogging for our entertainment Bella lol, and of course of good health and Gods blessings!
It was also Mari's birthday a few weeks ago and she had fun but had a bout of depression. You are 25 girl! Its a blessing that we are alive. God bless you and hope your doing much better now. Ohhh and you saw my husband Pharrell in South Beach?? with another woman too? He should just wait till I get home. Nonsense.
Several others have reached their one year mark in Blogsville including Nyemoni and Zaiprincessa. Congratulation girls!The Second Thisday Concert in Nigeria was fun but not as fun as the first. I don't have any pictures but Mona has all this gist and everyone who blogged about the event.
Our darling Temmy is engaged! This was her new years resolution and it came to pass. Gosh Temmy I remember us encouraging you through the drama with your ex and see where you are now!!! Congratulations and don't be stressed oh.
Hear ye, hear ye. Those of you in the New York area. There is a hot guy who wants to get hooked up in 30 days. If you are interested please direct yourself to 9jamommys blog. But 9jamommy, we need those stats oh.
On a dating tip, Ms Overwhelmed has been dating like whattt!! Girl......only you oh lol. Where do you find all these men? Tall, Young, Well as long as you know we have to approve and give you our blessings first.
Tutsy has been overworking herself. Take it easy ok? Life is too short.
LondonNaijaChic was down with measles...hope you don't have too many scars.
Ababoy and Onada and Pilgrimagetoself the new mummy and BELLE are also blogging again.Vera my best blog friend lol, is also back after a very long hiatus and is preparing for her friends wedding.
Idemili's Dark Man Series.... just too hot to handle. Strictly 18! lol. Read at work at your own risk. Kpakpando has thought provoking post up.
Calabargal is thinking of joining a group for the London marathon next year, so if you want to run the marathon with others in April, get in touch.
What ever happened to F & N and Babaalaye? Update Guys!
Wedding Galore
Favored Girl tells us about her moments of being Bridezilla! Quite funny. Nonesuch is documenting a Northern wedding. It takes about a week! Talk about exhausting. Must be fun though.
I found some wedding websites on Thoughts blog
Chioma and Olisa
Thembe and Eno
Teni and Ade
Biola and Deji
You can find several others on Naijagals page
Also check out these wedding blogs.
Nigerian Weddings
New Blogs
Passion of a Writer
Oseyi's world
Tokotaya - Happy Birthday too!
Our dear BoorishMale has decided to stop blogging. According to anonymous sources and also from his last post, some people accused him of hurting another blogger, Waffarian. I wonder who the actual male blogger that did that is though and I hope you are okay now Waffarian. Mr Boor, please come back and don't let a bunch of ignorant people stop you from blogging.
The One Thing You Must Consider With Mutual Fund
5 years ago
Yay...thanks for the bday shoutout...I am getting old o
I love this bumper edition, I really needed to catch up with all things blogville!
Let me go and catch up on your blog
E ya. Promoting a sister's blog on your page!! In fact...
You will lend to nations you will not borrow; not even salt or sugar. You will have 5 Children and all of them will AA. God will not forget your labor of love my sister. ;)
Overwhelmed: That one is just putting the rest of us to shame. Na wa o. Maybe i should get over my fears of piercings and just get one too. i suppose show my flat stomach too.
And who kidnapped Baba Alaye?!
Thanks for summing up the happenings of Blogville so neatly. I'm off to enjoy clicking the links.
(Add: Belle is back!)
Ah Bella... madam. Sorry o... Happy baiday. the same prayer goes for you... you will lend to nations you will not borrow; not even salt or sugar. You will 5 five children and all of them will be AA.. Amen!!!
I dont know Mari but... same as bella.
on another note, did you see Beyonz fall?! LOLOLOLOLOLOL... i almost died of laughter.
Damn Temmy, you go girl!
Londonnaijachic, sorry o. Get better. same prayer goes for you. lol
I'm jobless... okay before i take up all the comment space. Thanks for stopping by my page love.
abeg let me go n check the wedding webbies
Lol!Thanks for shouting out my blog!
Thanks for the shout out, dearie. I'm working on my fear of growing old. Feeling much better now. lol
Why cant you ladies leave my men alone. First it was Ryan Gosling and Vickii thought it would be a good idea to share, now you want to claim Pharrell. I am not sharing!!!
Thanx Tminx for the updates in blogville...and the wedding sites..always enjoy looking at those. Great job girl:)
Thanks for the update, glad u had fun in naija! So wot did u bring back for me?
YOu know I like Gist, Gist and more Gist. Great to see you have started the series again. Now I am off to enjoy it all at my own peril.
didnt even know u had gone back to sweden!!! ha ha didnt even hook up with a sister, is it because is aid u should post that blue shirt to me, ehn???
No comment - I am not first!
Oh wow!! Thanks for the shout out.
I love this post. A lil' something to entertain myself with. Well done.
hey tminx u missed one imporant gist like that!the male blogger who deceived waffarian..and everyone thot it was boorish boorish male upped and left blogville out of anger..Waffarian clarified this and said it was not boorish male who hurt her!but some male blogger who has done to to seveeral other girls!!!!i am an original amebo sa!
Hot stuff...LOL...M still waiting for my email oh.........
thanks Tmix... u go girl!!!
all i do is click from one blog to another... now tminx has come with plenty gist. work i neva work, book i neva read, my exams start in 2 days and all i do everyday at work is click click click...this is not nice peeps.
life is just not fair at all. hmmmm what can i do but to go aCLICKING......(sobs....)
nice work T.
Thanks for the shoutout mami...Have a blessed week!!!
its not good shout out to me...hah...ok are u doing?pls keep doing i can read stuff going on on blogsville without having to go to the blogs directly...thanks
Thanks for the roundup TMinx... I am loving the wedding webbies - some gorgeous couples out there...
I lovee the post
VEry nice that u have others in your thoughts.
i deserve a bithday shout out too mine was the "triple 7" i love ur blog cos it help to have a fast catch up,well i hope u will list my blog as one of the new kids on the blog.
nice post on gbeborun networking am new on blogville
glad to have your blogsville gist back.
will try and catch up on the gists.
weldone babe.
Thanks for representing and acknowleging my blog....Its an hounor to be part of this wonderful 'society'
Do stop by and check out my blog..
Thanks again and stay blessed
x x x x
T.Minx is back...I miss this part of knowing T.Minx...Let me settle down and start my guided tour...Thanx
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