Friday, April 27, 2007

Split the costs?

So the elections for House of Assembly etc have been moved to Saturday which was meant to be my day. Movement has been restricted for 8 whole hours. We have had to sit at home for three Saturdays in a row. Extremely boring if I must say so myself. Please the elections need to end quick. Good riddance.

I have therefore moved the beach party to Tuesday which is May Day. The only thing to worry about now is rain because its been raining a lot lately. I am way over my head, suddenly lots of people have accepted invites. I hope I can feed everyone! I need to include, 'feel free to bring a bottle' to the e-vite lol.

I remember going to peoples birthdays in the UK. Someone would plan an elaborate dinner party and we would get there holding a good amount of money knowing the bill was going to be split or sent to each person according to what was ordered. There were some broke times one had to just decline. Do that in Nigeria? ABOMINATION. But I hear that some people still do the restaurant moves even here in Nigeria oh lol. Better keep that money handy just in case.

Also on dates, we girls expect not to pay...why, especially here in Nigeria? My aunts will pass out if they ever heard that a guy took me out on a date and split the bill or I paid. They think its a mans responsibility. I remember a guy trying to talk to me once. I invited him out for my birthday, at the end of the night we decided to go clubbing. As we got to the door, my so called toaster zoomed in without a glance until I got into the cub. Its not that I expected him to pay but the fact that he didn't even check that we were okay for cash, he totally pretended we weren't there. I guess its cos I was with friends, but still. Somehow we have been pre-programmed to think that guys will take the tab, I erased that thinking a long time ago. Somehow if you expect things from people, you get disappointed or judge the person too harshly.

I'm moving very soon. My mum thinks this is a crucial time in a girls life where she should be stable and not moving around, just incase the right guy comes along. I can't sit and wait. The right guy will find me. But woahh.....I just can't get my head around it. Six whole months in a foreign land not popular with Nigerians. Lord help me.


Uzo said...

Ehn...Can i be first?\

I am so mad about these damn stay at home things. I mean my hair is in a mess...No salon trips on saturdays.....The right man will find you...I will miss you but before then, i shall be at the parry and yes i will bring something....Puff puff? LOL

Azuka said...

Interesting, I daresay. The excuses we have for elections -- when the powers that be already know who's getting in...

Speaking of splitting the tab, hmmm. Time will tell, but I wouldn't be comfortable being paid for -- even with my friends, I'm not.

ababoypart2 said...

Why bother with more elections. INEC can just work out the figures and save us all money and time.

Splitting the bill. Not such a bad concept. Bills have always been split. The guy pays and with some of them expect something in return. By splitting the bill, paying back in kind can also be split....

Anonymous said...

I am so loving your post on "Words from the mind and the heart"

That was very cooooooooool...

Kip it up!

Concerning "Split the costs?" ; I see you are getting more matured with your thoughts and write-up.

Kip your paradigm going girl..

How do I get in contact with you?

Dipo Tepede

Anonymous said...

lol @ Ababoypart2.

Tuesday is cool, send me an evite. I will bring a satchet of pure water.

I had that pix on my desktop for months. love the barefeet.

Anonymous said...

babshouse at gmail dot come

Anonymous said...

about splitting the bills..yeah its a good idea tho!but abeg the guy should try n form sa like he wants to pay it all..not outrightly act like "off course u gonna pay ur share"

Idemili said...

Do you mind if I ask "Where are you moving to?"

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

yeah i know... I didn't even get to travel anymore.... wd bring some akara and akamu for your parry!

Anonymous said...

You'll be fine Tminx...and yes he will find you. Take care

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

welcome to my world. Always having my stuff in suitcases, no sonner have I unpacked I have to pack again, I think once my mum used to be so glad her daughter was flying all over the world, but now I don't think she is so sure anymore. I wish you the very best, 6 months will go in a flash.

Have a blast at your party.

Unknown said...

Do you mind if mama4 join you?dont worry iam looking chic and can pass for one of your friend and i wouldnt bring my ecomog-shoooo.

Unknown said...

Have fun on Tuesday and enjoy ur forced 'stay at home' weekend. LOL!!

Are you renting a place of your own?

soul said...

erm can the party reach over yonder..

save me some food Tminx. DHL and parcel force will ship food you know...lolo

Inuke Omotola Davis said...

I used to love movin to new places but after a while it gets overwhemlming and you just want stability. Good luck with the move sha.

Dont worry about that guy jare, he will soon find you.

Ps: i enjoy reading your blog.

zaiprincesa said...

I AM CRASHING THAT PARRRY YO!!!, be on the lookout for tha shortie wif da greygoose and bacardi....emm, r we allowed to have liquor on the beach???..hmm..

And as per splitting the bill, i always offer to pay when i go out, i think courtesy demands it, and i have no qualms doing it, especially if i initiate the outing, but if u ask me out, and ASK, as in demand, that i pay???..hmm..i wont lament oh, but i'll be very disappointed...

And where r u moving to???

Have a blessed weekend.....

Favoured Girl said...

Hey where are you moving to T-Minx?

chidi said...

thank God i am not in naija. Im sure i would be fustrated by this elections crap. which foreign land unpopular to nigerians are you moving to???

Anonymous said...

It'll be character building babe....character building!!!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your party ... wish I could be there, it sounds like it's going to be fun!

It's funny because I'm very independent and I insist on paying my half and while I wouldn't think badly of a guy if he let me, I'm impressed by guys that insist even harder that they asked me out so they're paying. Interestingly, those guys are few and far between these days.

Disgruntled said...

About paying...really....You always have to be in hand...i agree with you, you can get dissapointed...and publicly shamed lol..BUT i will never second date, a dude who doesnt pay on the first date...I AM SORRY BUT IT IS WRONG!!..from every angle ...dude are you serious?

Cheetarah said...

I guess when ur wiv some1 u both share the tabs without even thinking, but if its some random date, imma be honest..I dont even look at the bill,lol! but thats just me, I can see the rest of you are more principled!lol. Good luck with ur move and yeah he will find u.

Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

U'll be fine in that "foreign" land 'cos u're going to possess the land, so not to worry. As for picking the tab, whenever i go on any date, i always make sure my purse is loaded o. Can't wash dishes in a restaurant 'cos of any silly boys. I've tried not to expect anything from people, so that if they mess up i won't be too disappointed. If he offers to pay, fine. If not, i'll be good. U've still not told us where u're moving too o?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I’m really looking forward to Tuesday !! my mechanic bashed my car but I have begged him to just fix it before then !!!! When I saw the responses I was like whao T-minx is such a crowd puller -!!!! I was the 42nd person to accept lol ! and more people have not responded I’m sure I’ll have some fun !!! I have been thinking about going to the beach for like 6 months I don’t just get to go !!
Talking about the Saturdays and impromptu holidays in Nigeria lets just enjoy it I’m sure bankers would enjoy this at least they'll have time for their families with no hassles

Mrs Somebody said...

Hey girl I like your thoughts.Truly I agree that the right guy will surely find you.He who FINDS a wife FINDS a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord.That's what the bible says.

Can I bring alcohol free kunu and zobo to your party?

I'll be on TEMPTATION NIGERIA on monday @ 7:30pm so watch me.

Unknown said...

t minx, where are you travelling to?

Justme said...

ffI want to come to the beach parry!!! i tried to send u an email but it bounced back! What beach? and what time?

Anonymous said...

t minx..tanx for stopping by my head dey swell anytime seasoned bloggers like una touch my page..


still cant beleive u r off to sweden, i can tell u for free u aint goinna see too many black people!!!

loomnie said...

I for like come but I dey faraway Germany... some other time.

Dolly said...

I'll be there, I'll bring some fufu along

where are u travelling to

Anonymous said...

split gini? I'm with your momsie and aunts, if someone is a mere toaster and they can't foot the bill, then they need not holla. tufiakwa, dutch ndi nmuo, God forbid bad thing. Have fun in oyibo land oh