Monday, February 05, 2007

The proposal

Introducing Introducing Introduciiiiiiiiing



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats mamaalaye.

Please flash the Alaye diamond on your fourth finger. We'll love to see what it looks like

Vera Ezimora said...


When is the wedding biko? And what are we gonna be eating....bulls? Lemme know now o!

LondonBuki said...


Anonymous said...

WHAT !!!
I hope baba aalaye has some hush -pecush side to the Egba side sha
happy blogging life to you too !

Bella Naija said...

Next Stop - BabyAlaye!

Anonymous said...

congratulations, how we go take wash am! im really cheesin for you.

Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...


You guys need to give me a standing ovation o, infact i deserve more than a pat on theback. I saw this coming, and i said so from the get go that TMinx was the crush, but as usual, nobody listened to me. I even went as far as spreading the gist on Vera's blog, Bella Naija's blog and Diamond's blog, but y'all pretended like nothing happened. Now it has been confirmed.

I've got mad skillz o eyin peeps. Whatever u need to know in Blogsville, just gimme a shout out and i'll inform u. I foresee a blog wedding.

*Glasses clicking* Here's to BabaAlaye and MamaAlaye (TMinx). Congratulations. Even when u were in denial, i knew u were the iyawo.

TMinx said...

@eminie, lol
@guy horny, merci beaucoup. I don't want it to blind your eyes
@Vera, we can have it on the same day
@LB, lmao
@eminie, I'm sure he does. He will not dissapoint me
@bella, thanks thanks. Say hi to my boo for me
@errankoloja, does that mean anything lol. Thanks for cheesin for me. We will wash it soon.
@cherub, I bow for you wise one. You knew all along, the girl with the vision. Do you see blog kids?

TMinx said...

Ok Edge of paradise is on. The cult boys want Dozie to join the mafioso! Later peeps

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

congratulations - bijou was so on point. Even when she reminded us of how he had pushed your blog to top of his list. So what now. LOLOLOL. -
mamalaye - It should suit you. well well. what a day.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations o.

so are we having a full blown blog wedding or what?

Nilla said...


Congrats oh!

ilovealion said...

hehehehe, no wonder you wanted to know who his blog crush was.

zaiprincesa said...

lol...Congrats oh!

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you and Baba Alaye!!!! Blogville Romamces are really steaming!!! When are we eating the rice and nibbling on chocloate cake? Will you appoint dalton as official photographer?

DiAmOnD hawk said...

should we start picking the aso-ebi. I will help plan the blogwedding o...infact you should have done an EXCLUSIVE edition of Blogville gossip...well i guess this isnt really gossip. Seems like since Boorish male has made his intentions clear, BabaAlaye decided to claim possession quickly....

Boorish Male said...


Ms zee said...

Congratulations oooo.... Thank God

Anonymous said...

girl uhm congrats oh! enjoy it

BabaAlaye said...

Hi Ya'll thanks again.

I've been smiling since yesterday. Infact i feel like buying stuff for every damned body i see.Whatever you want just ask me, and you got it hehehe.

To peeps who didn't know, Mamaalaye likes green too. And i think she looks beautiful in it. Totally suits her better than Verastic i must say.
Actually Tminx could rawk a Burlap sack and still look like she walked out of a Beverly hills shop.
She's so unbeleivably BEAURIFULLL

Anonymous said...

Have u read Boorish male's latest blog? Tminx you are too hot.I say Boorish and Babaalaye should have a duel for the hand of this fair maiden.

BabaAlaye said...

Tminx is already taken.

Too little too late for Mr. Boorish

We're the '07 Bonnie and Clyde.

LondonBuki said...

TMinx, I read Boorish's TWO posts for you! You are HOT STUFF oh!

Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

TMinx u're the bombdigidi o. Hot babe, see how these grown a@$ men are falling head over heels for u. Now u have to think abt this deeply o, who will u choose? BTW, where are they all meeting u sef? Don't u have sit at home?

Olawunmi said...

na wa o.

In my head and around me said...

I am such a sucker for romance.

Mama Alaye, congratulations o! All this protestation of love no easy o! Your valentine is so gonna rock.

Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

LOL what color is the aso ebi?

Aramide said...

hahahah congrado

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

Now Vals day is a guaranteed success... here's a toast to you and your Alaye..
"i wish you e-joy and lotsa e-babies!!"


Tminx, na real wah....... you sure must be something!!!!!!!!!
Congrats ......................
im really green your alentine is really gonna rock *sign!!*
So lets get down to business... when's the wedding? What color is your aso ebi?

TMinx said...

Awww guyssssss thanks for all love. Mr Boor, please see my response on your blog.

My boo, all this drama is a lot oh. We have too many friends. Maybe we should elope? To where though? Lets meet at the airport.

Ms. May said...

LMAO!!!!!!!! You folks are a trip. I think y'all shld elope to Turks and Caicos since Baba had such a great Xmas there and you can both make new memories there together. Or, TMinx, since he offered you all the bling and stuff and you said you'd be happy with just the Bank Olemoh rice, maybe you can just elope to neighboring Ghana. Either way sha, make sure you have a big party so we can all come.

BabaAlaye said...

I can't stop singing to myself la

Show me a happier Man la...

Anonymous said...

Tminx plssss save us the suspense !!
no eloping business here plssss !We the blogger family must be well represented at the party lol!!
@Bella i hope u've started calling Hello, Ovation blabla , no ‘shitty people’ stuff oo
@onada the aso ebi might have pink and peach or what do think
Can we know you favorite musician , BabaAalaye must bring him/her down
I trust him go do sometime extraordinary sha
Keeping my fingers crossed X

Biodun said...

Congrats o Mama Alaye!! Have u picked a date yet n can I see the bling pls!

Anonymous said...

LOL, hilarious, babaalaye don wifed up o , congrats

Elle Woods said...

so when is the big day?

temmy tayo said...

WHat happened to my comment?????

Anyways, congrratulations to you both.

Babaalaye since you are in the mood to buy gifts please send a ticket to me please. Want to celebrate my love in Australia. After all love is sharing. lol

LondonBuki said...

Ummm... so after all this - CAN YOU PUT UP ANOTHER EDITION OF BLOGVILLLE GIST or has LOVE taken over now????

omohemi Benson said...

Congrats on Mama A,
Thank you for making the weding planner.

What colors or prints would you like to use. I am thinking of pink,with bulls printed on it.

Pink wedding dress too.

Let me know what u think.

UnNaked Soul said...

wicked!!! many happy blog years... e ma lo ara yin gbo (amii)!!!

when r we going to see small small e-alayes running around blogville?

BiMbyLaDs** said...

Lol.. oh lol.. u guys crack me up,, its been 5 days of my joining bloggville, and i don almost pass out with lafter....
wishing u and baba alaye the cutest omo alayes ever..!!

Uzo said...

This is too darling. Congrats. When is the wedding? I dont think u guys should rush though. We need an engagement party, hen night, bachelor's eve and then the wedding. I am of course inviting myself to all these events.

BumyPerfect Photography said...

Now dat its official, u guys should better book me 4 ur wedding fast, I'm sure u dont want the story dat I wont be available. ok.