In the morning it rained! We knew this was bad news but the VIP section had some sort of grey mat which made waking easy so we figured it would be okay. I went about my usual Sunday activities, church etc. Now I had to take off that bright green band for church cos it was so, well, bright. I had no idea that we were meant to sport it for two whole days, even in the house of the Lord. So I had to patch it back when I got home cos it explicitly stated that the bands were not to be tampered with. The band came with the 2 day tickets which were only sold at GTB until the day of the concert when the price was slashed to N10,000 for ‘students’ and was also available at Silver Bird Galleria.
Again we got ready to get there for about 6, because we thought that the organisers were sane and would understand that people had to go to work Monday morning and so would start the show much earlier. Guess what? We were very wrong.
We arrived at 7 and it was already getting dark. From the gate we could hear
“2, HEY. HEY, HEY, 2”. If it was a Nigerian concert we would be hearing “Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3”. They were only still testing the equipment!!!. That was not the biggest problem though…the ground was soaking wet. We had to walk through the grass to the VIP section which we thought would be better but we were unpleasantly surprised. The ‘carpet’ was soaking. Once you stepped on it, it would squeeze all the water out and your feet would be in like 3 inches to 10 inches of water depending on which part you stepped on. It was a manoeuvring exercise.
Anyway we were greeted once again by the bouncers…‘Enjoy the show ladies’. And then accosted by this day photographers who were taking close ups. You can really feel like a Celeb in this Naija oh. After taking pics and saying hi to friends and well wishers lol just kidding, we proceeded to the front of the stage. That stage itself was a work of art. There were tables already set up…those white plastic tables and chairs to match, so we sat down. Now you would think they would have fed us and given us drinks…A guy came around carrying ‘small chops’, we asked for a plate and he said N1000! What! This was a small white plastic plate with a few Buns, one spring roll, one samosa and one chicken. Go figure. Same went for the drinks…only you had to walk through the mud back to the bar, queue, buy a ticket then get a drink.The show did not start till about 9pm. By then we were calculating how much sleep we needed and when we would have to leave and getting more impatient.
Basket mouth came out to ease the tension with his jokes which were not half bad. I’m not a joke teller so I can’t give a rendition but he kept us amused till the first act.
Dare Art AladeHe came on to sing the National Anthem which paled in comparison to Beyonce’s version. We humoured them and sang along but really we just wanted the American artists to come on and do their thing. Our hopes were dashed; Basket Mouth informed us that all the Nigerian artists were going to perform first.
AsaThis lady performs Yoruba songs the way Jill Scott sings. Her voice is so soulful and soothing. I enjoyed the performance.
Dare Art AladeHe came out again to perform his usual songs. “Don’t drive an escalade……”, “Young man, now tell me where did you get your skills from….”. Ikechukwu also featured in the song.
Weird MCThis crazy lady performed “Allen Avenue, Allen Avenue, Allen WHAT” and of course IJOYA. The crowd started coming to life at this point but most people were sitting down.
TU FACEHe made the girls swoon and also performed the usual songs. He didn’t sing “For Instance, Say I be the bale of Nigeria….Holla Oiyeeeeeee”. That’s the only song I really wanted to hear. I think he was rushed off stage.
KOKO MASTER (D’BANJ)Guaranteed to rock any party, D’banj gave the crowd some energy. He performed ‘Why me’, and ‘Tongolo’.
Seun Kuti
All I can ask is WHY? Anyways he came on stage and performed just as his father would have. He was so flexible, like a worm. Of course the female dancers were quite entertaining as usual.
About 12.15am the man himself finally showed up and it was worth the wait. Busta came on stage and no one was left sitting. His energy was transferred to the crowd. We forgot that we had work in a few hours. He brought along his side kick...Splif and performed “Flipmode, what it is right now’, ‘Dangerous’, ‘Light that Ass on fire’, ‘Yooo yoooo yooooo yoo yooo’, ‘Make it clap’, ‘Gimme some more’….it went on and on. He didn’t even give us a break. We were rocking for about an hour and a half. He was so excited that we knew his lyrics….he was also quite on the chubby side with a small pot belly which was cute lol. He said he wanted to have about 14 Nigerian babies..little bustas running aroung all over the place cos Nigerian girls were so ffoiiiineee. He also weeded up on stage saying ‘Nigerian weed is GOOOOOOODDDDDD’.
I didn’t give a hoot about seeing snoop. I was upset they saved Missy for last. It was now about 1.30am and Snoop went on to perform...half of the songs I didn’t know but I enjoyed ‘Beautiful’, “Gin and Juice’, and ‘Snoop Doggyyy ddooowwwwwooogg’. He had his uncle who must have weeded up dancing old school to Rap. It was hilarious.
He also lit up and smoked some weed and sang along to a song that sounded like weed.
Funny enough he also played other artists songs like Neyo’s So sick and a few others. We didn’t get it.
During the performance, rumours were being spread that Missy was not backstage and apparently her manager were having problems because of some breach in the contract. Something she had asked for had not been provided. By then it was 2.30am and so my friends and I did the mature, sensible thing….we left. I was pained but I had to catch some zzzzzzz’s before work or I’d be a wreck and it would have been more annoying if she didn’t show. Also the Basket mouth had said something about Majek Fashek and Sunny Ade coming up next….HELLL NAWWWW.
30 minutes later Miss Steph called me to say she was about to exit the gate when she heard Missy come on stage but she was too tired to go back. Oh well, I’ll see her another time.
News is that she rocked the crowd and even came down from the stage. Go Missy.
So there you have it!!!!!!!! Those that were not there…You Missed. Soweeeee, I couldn't help it.
OHHH...There was also eye candy girls....
The One Thing You Must Consider With Mutual Fund
5 years ago
yay..i'm first...
great recap...
ur pics r sooo clear and
fun times!
AT LAST! I will read through it now.
Sounds like you guys had a blast. Naija did good o! According to some Ghanaian friends they didn't get half as many acts as we got. We are coming up...LOL. Hope you're doing well. Missing Low already?
Minxie! Minxie! Oh Minxie! Ol' girl you try for us oh? The photos are fantastic!! I am showing off at be small! The guys are gettting a kick from all the weed smoking on stage..Gotta love it!
Nice job... your pics are sooo crisp and clear. You guys really had fun sha.
Correction.."Gotta love" the theatrics not the weed smoking oh! LOL
Minxie, I hate you so much right now, that if I didn't already love you so much, the force of my hatred would drown
Even I have no idea what that means.
Finally we get pictures. Tres Cool. Glad you had a blast, but we really need to pick up out organizing game abi.
All that weed, and I wasn't there, Sheesh and you couldn't even grab a few wraps for a brotha.
Well, I'll accept the pictures as bribe sha.
glad you had a blast, love the pics!
Ehm...All the ladies commenting and not a single comment about the last picture. Okay let me be a hussy and just say it: Nice pic, cute guy, nice ....fill in the blanks.
You missed missy perform? She killed it. She seemed a bit high on the weed stuff...LOL
cool pics. really wish we had from day one. the first Snoop pic? Classic. Wonder what all the oldies had to say.
Eye Candy!! Hmmn!! Why didnt u ask for a 'front up'? LOL!!!
Thanks Gal!!!
Dats hot!.. ahh now.. U shoulda stayed. lol@ the big fat join in Snoops hand..I heard naija joints are huge but not as potent as California bud.. :)..MORE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!
Nce pics!!!
Smoking weeds on stage .only in Naija ..Priceless
what's up with the smoking weed on stage...
anyways seems Lagos rocked big time this past weekend. I really do wish I coulda been there...
how much were the tickets. in $$$$
God bless u Minx, thanx for the U are now my new official best
Great Pix!!!
@bella, thanks!
@londonbuki, enjoy
@ms.may, yes oh, we miss her already
@parazone, we felt like we were in the twilight zone. Shouldn't they have been arrested?
@mari, thanks we did
@luminus, lol, I don't promote smoking weed, just captured the moment
@biodun, thanks!
@Uzo, lol, he is...I missed it oh. I hear she came on at like 4/5
@donchi, i'm not a great events reporter like you but manage am oh
@calabar girl, na so my liver each pass lol
@toni payne, I suspect you lol
@diamond hawk, tell me about it
@the girl, $769 for VIP and $230 for standard seats for the two days.
@tutsy, one can't have enough best frinds lol.
@calabar girl..i mean tto say na so my liver reach
Great pictures!
Great recap and i am so "jealousing" you right now!
Yeah the last pic i would say it NICE ASS!!!!!
Uzo, I saw the guy's juicy backside oh... YUM!!!
Thanks a lot
@...Tminx arrested ke? for where? It is almost customary for Snoop to light up during his concerts. Snoop and weed are synonymous!
Having said that, I too agree he shouldn't do it so openly but thats the Dog father for ya!
Wow! Obviously y'll had some real fun.
smoking weed on stage.. hmmm
sounds soo much fun though.. u no talk about beyonce and jayz abi u no see them?
yeah...that weed thing on stage is kinda "interesting". but it sounds like they teased you guys for a while though with all the pre-BUSTA performers.
Nice coverage though
wow, i cant wait to hear that Asa :o)
Nice pics taurean xxx
@nneka, thanks girl.
@londonbuki, we all did
@nosa, I promised didn't I? :)
@parazone, tell me about it! It would be funny to see him escorted off stage.
@vera, we try
@onb, I did oh talked about it in the last post and see donchichis ebrief too. I wasn;t allowed to take my camera in the first day
@abbey, they sure did. Thanks
@Mona, her music is very nice. Just wish I understood yoruba
Nice ass! (the guy in the last photo).
Its sounds like soo much fun. I'm always jealous when I hear of all the people that go to perform over there.
Anyone nice coming during Christmas?
Minx, I know those eyes.
@noni moss..I don't think so but these things are not really known till xmas actually comes so maybe... do?? I'm not so sure i'm that anonymous anymore. lol
Yes I know those eyes..From one fellow edo girl to another. How you dey?
I am a friend of your cousin.
Ok that's the only clue that I will give you..
Eminem, you should sell some of those images, they are fabulous and oh yes get a telephoto lens
you should try to be more appreciative of Nigerian talent girl.
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