Monday, April 30, 2007

I've Finished Crying

Dear Ms Tminx,

Baggage Claim Reference: AHL XXXXXXXXXXXXX / 09 March 2007

Thank you for your email message of 18 April. Once again, I apologise for the delay in responding and thank you for your patience.

Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of our Central Baggage Tracing Office, we are unable to find your bag. We have now concluded a review of your claim.

Compensation for mishandled baggage, when any portion of a passenger’s journey involves international travel, is governed by an International Treaty known as the Montreal Convention and is implemented by the airlines of those countries that have ratified it. However, the airlines liability is limited and any such claim is subject to proof of purchase, i.e. receipts confirming proof of purchase or of ownership, without which only 50% of the expenses will be taken into consideration.

You have submitted a claim for US$ 550.00 excluding valuable items and have not provided any supporting receipts. Therefore, taking into consideration fifty percent of the amount claimed, we are pleased to offer you US$ 275.00 in full and final settlement of the above baggage claim.

I wish to inform you that in accordance with our Conditions of Carriage, which forms a part of your ticket contract, we are not liable for loss of or damage to valuable items included in the checked baggage, whether with or without our knowledge.

Under the circumstances, regrettably, we are unable to consider your claim for the camera. Some of the loss may be covered by your household or travel insurance policy. May I respectfully suggest that you contact your Insurers who may be able to assist you further.

Please let us have your postal address as a Claim Settlement Form needs to be completed by you before we can process payment.

Once again, I apologise for the inconvenience caused on this occasion and thank you for allowing me to respond.

Yours sincerely,


Please keep in mind that my camera alone cost $1000. I don't even know where to begin.


Anonymous said...

Minxy darling, I already offered to do a dance benefit o. I know loads of people who would pay me to stop dancing once I start.

I'm really sorry about this love. Sending you a great big hug.

?the blogger formerly known as Tinks

Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

This sucks big tyme. See, how silly these people are. What airline's that? Anyway, i'm so pissed off, i wonder how u may be feeling. Lemme fade, before i make it worse by venting.

Regardless, have a blessed week and keep on smiling.

Favoured Girl said...

That is so wrong. How can they give you such a paltry sum compared to your items that they lost through their own mistakes? Sorry ooo.

My birthday is 2nd May by the way.

Simply Gorgeous said...

T-mix,T-baby... I am so sorry o... I know how you feel-my camera is my second eye and I don't know how to live without it. Mine is a Contax N1 SLR-I have a vario sonnar lens, and amakro sonnar lens,each one cost mean arm and a leg- how didyou lose it? Did you not carry it on board the aircraft with you?

Simply Gorgeous said...

Also I had a similar experience with a baby stroller . I paid $650 for my McLaren and ATL airport broke it when it was checked in and they only offered $150.00 as replacement. I was too pissed I wanted to rip that woman's head from right off of her body. I hate their silly explanations and reasons...

I am truly sorry...

LondonBuki said...

Sorry baby... call you in a few minutes... x x x

Anonymous said...

Ouch..that really really sucks, I don't even know what to say, hang in there don't worry you'll get an even better one....:)

loomnie said...
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loomnie said...
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Cheetarah said...

Pele jare, thats harsh..I bet its American airlines always loosing peoples stuff!

Anonymous said...

sorry, but i have to ask. why would you check in a $1000 camera?!!!!!!!!


SET said...

Sorry My Dear. It is a mess what you get back let alone the sentimental valubles they can't pay for.

Uzo said...

Damn twats! I lost my ibook too. And i was offered 300 pounds. Oh dear. I guess you just have to start saving.....

Bella Naija said...

Ah Sorrrry~
Tht really really sucks!
Was it Emirates? I am disappointed in them o

Anyways, I guess you've got to move on! Have a great week and have fun at your party (or have u had it already?)....


Which kain yeye airline be dis, Tminx pele o!!!!

Ms. Catwalq said...

Mo sorry gan.

Dimples said...

As in really are they mad???....$275 to do what with...especially with this silly drop in the dollor...

Ha sorry there a proccess to appeal ni???..

Anonymous said...

This sucks, sucks, sucks for real! So what's the next course of action?

Jennifer A. said...

Awww Tminx...sowwie abt ur camera...

Anonymous said...

eyah pele!i cant even imagine how u feel

Anonymous said...

I'M SOO SORRI ! at times i just hate that word 'POLICY' i have a hurdle to face now my mechanic doesn't have a drivers licence and he bashed my car , the insurance company needs it to process my claims
what do i do ?
i'm sure this wont spoil our fun tomorrow sha !!!

Toni Payne said...

wow! girl Im soo sorry, i know this feeling. dont give up just yet and dont back down. Tell them youll give then 275 bucks to find your friiggin bag. When they lost my bag I became their worst nightmare o. I would stay up and call their head office in europe, send people to their lagos office and visit their office in LA to the point where they knew me. lol. Soon as my bag came in, one of the guy was like isnt that that girls bag based on the description I gave tons of times. Im sure it woulda still sat there for a few more weeks. Tell them u ant tryna hear it and u want ur bag and $275 wont cut it..

Lowla said...

WHAT!!! what airline is that? So sad.. I can imagine how you feel especially when you loose items which are very sentimental..
I feel your pain..Pele..Cheer up..

monie said...

WOW!!! I am SO sorry! I don't even know what to say. This is going to sound corny as all hell, but think positive. Now, you get to save up for an even nicer one... (Reading that back, even 'I'm aware of how cheesy/cliche that sounds...)

Keep your head up sweetie... You're an awesome photographer... God must have bigger/better things planned for you.

Mr.Fineboy said...

Im speechless. That really takes the piss! I HATE airlines sorry...

Anonymous said...

Pls do not under any circumstances accpet the sum offered.
yes, adjust my blouse<
i'm a lawywer and worked in a firm where we handled loads of matters like this.
You are entitled to waay more than dt under the Warsaw convention to which naija is a signatory.
Pls do not get into any more correspondence wth them until you decide waht to do.
you can either chalk it up or make up your mind to fight.
pls chk, thats me old firm-get in touch with mr.etigwe uwa,he's an aviation law guru(drafted the current civil aviation bill passed late last year,and he knows the law like ....).it wont cost an arm or a leg,they will write such a strongly worded letter to said airline,get in touch with the aviation authorities on ur behalf,bringing legal action is a piece of cake u will get more than $ for the fees, well u can always say u'll give a percentage of the settlement

Anonymous said...

btw,sorry the post was so long but really this is fight or flee time.
i dont play with bad service o, after virgin atlantic made me pay for excess luggage, because they changed their max allowance during my trip and there i was shelling out money at the counter while screaming...came to naija and started firing letters, threatening legal action,vowing to start a campaign against them.warawaraar, they paid me the money back,but only the exact amount :( they caount on people being too lazy, chicken or bummed to demand a fair compensation...sorry tho, i know it sucks-could it be cos its naija tho, cos my sister got waaay much than the value of her eru when her luggage got lost btw US and France...she really heckled them

uknaija said...

If you have a lawyer friend, try getting them to write them, it may get you a little more, worked for me before

Anonymous said...

wow!i like this judith Adeola girl...she knows her stuff..her advice is sound!Pls take the mugus down!what the heck is $275...are dey mad!i am seriously fuming

DiAmOnD hawk said...

ouch! my dad had to sue one airline for his lost luggage... eventually got his money back. i wonder if writing another letter or perhaps trying to call someone higher up will help.. in any case.. im sorry that this happened to u... whenever u lose anything it's never a good feeling...

Anonymous said...

Dang, that really sucks. Pele, ndo, chei, i'm pained...pele. Sorryy*hug*

Funmi said...

sorry luv...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Tminx,
For that $1000 camera, you may have to fight this one o.
May God give you strength.

Waffarian said...

Sorry babe, I have a friend that works for a major airline, when my sis had a problem claiming some money etc, his advice was write letters, threaten, etc, so I think you should get on it!

NaijaBloke said...


I am with what Judithadeola said o,the airline are just offering u that to see if you will take it ... decline it and tell them that ur lawyer will contact them and see what they will do.

I had a friend here that Continental lost her bag from london to houston and she got paid $2500 and the stuffs she had in there were not even up to $1000.She gave them hell at their office in houston that they did not have a choice o ..

The decision is up to u sha ..Take care and how did ur party go?

Anonymous said...


but why did you only claim 550 i would have claimed at least a thousand and don’t you have a receipt for you camera? if it's over a 1000 then the company you bought it from should have a copy in their system

I’m actually mad at you, what kind of battle was that, u just gave up hisss

this is abies your cos cos
by the way

Bella Naija said...

How was the party?
We need the gistttttttttt!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gosh Bella, desperado.

Tutsy said...

Sorry darling....i know how painful losing such a valuable item can be....but don't let that get you down. Life is full of disappointments like this.... remember, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.

Now wipe your eyes...i see bigger and better things coming your way.

Adaure Achumba said...


ps: the party was off-the-chingy. I am waiting to see all the crazy pix.

Naijadude said...

Now thats messed up...freaking annoying,..omg! times I love using my drama skills on dem....
What airline is that??

Unknown said...

TMinx, Sorry about the camera. I wonder why those airlines are like that? A friend lost some luggage to BA too and she couldn't get it back. Please put your camera in ur hand luggage next time u travel.
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temmy tayo said...

Aawgh, sorry about the camera. That isnt fair at all o. I sent u an email with my fone number cos i am in naija at the moment.

omohemi Benson said...

I don't know what to say.
I am sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am definitely sure that u have finished crying. Pele my love. Dont worry ill hav a job this summer ill put up money for a new camera for ya! x Oz

chidi said...

what airline is this? they are such cheap skates!

Anonymous said...

How upsetting .... Cheer up sis !!! Here's is a little clip abpot what Maya Anjelou said about "LOST Luggage"

In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday. Oprah asked her what she thought of growing older. And, there on television, she said it was “exciting.” Regarding body changes, she said there were many, occurring every day…like her breasts. They seem to be in a race to see which will reach her waist, first. The audience laughed so hard they cried. She is such a simple and honest woman, with so much wisdom in her words!

Maya Angelou said:

“I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.”

“I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.”

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so sorry to read this.But how can ur camera alone cost 1000dollars but yet u submit a claim of 550?

Gbemi's Piece said...

So sorry about your experience. I hope you can get more than $275. It was really nice of you not to mention the name of the airline responsible for all this.

Noni Moss said...

Ouch! This is like my worst nightmare. Pele oh!