Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I wonder if we are going to be able to manage this epidemic efficiently. I’m sure since foreign countries have a vested interest in this (seeing as it really is their best interest that the disease doesn’t become a serious pain in the butt to the world), we will have at least some support. But for these traders to be selling sick birds at half-pricee!! Those customers must be thinking.."Crikey what a bloody bargain we have ‘ere innit"..then the fever begins..God help us through this.


LondonBuki said...

My sweetheart, you are in my prayers oh... I was thinking the same thing... I hope it can be controlled and eradicated(haven't heard that word in ages!!). God is in control...

so-obscure said...

Maybe, folks should stay off chicken for a period of time...
Bad business for poutry farmers!