Wednesday, July 04, 2007

True Love

So I can't be structured right now lol. But you will have Blogsville Gist at the end of the month. I finally found a salon where they 'do' black hair. I have an appointment in one hour and I can't believe how excited I am. I have not been to the Salon in the past two months. I tell you its a disaster.

I finally got to see the article on true love! For those of you interested, Bella has it on her page. I'm not very happy with the way some things I said were twisted but its all love True Love. 3 things though

1. I have not met Babaalaye, never said I did.
2. I didn't say where I worked.
3. I didn't boast about the hits. I was asked how many hits I got and my response was: that's not the point of blogging and so I don't have a counter on my main blog but my photoblog does have a default counter and has roughly 150 hits a day. I hate it when people brag and don't like to be potrayed in the same manner.

There ,I have aired my views. Now I'm fine.

In all my 'excitement' I forgot to thank Ebun Olatoye for doing a spread on Nigerian bloggers and giving us some recognition. It was truly a great idea and thanks for being so nice and making me comfortable when I met you. My subscription to True Love proves my undying loyalty as a reader but I just needed to clear that up :).

If you have time on your hands checkout this new blog Phantomwriter. Also Doctor Blogger


Mimi said...

True Love have a way of twisting things around dont they? they interviewed a friend too and he wasnt very pleased about it.

LondonBuki said...


You are going to get your hair done! I am beyond excited!!!! LOL!

See ya soon x x x

Anonymous said...

finally i have see that truelove feature!so mona went to my high school and u Tminx too!..yeah i think i knew that!!!LAWL LAWL..I know bimby Lad from somewhere tho!QC gals reppinng you know we too much!we tew mush!LAWL..I am Blushing o!

Anonymous said...

sorry abt the way they put info u didnt disclose out there in the mag!i think u sud write them and subtlely disclose ur displeasure!so they know!

Anonymous said...

that ur shirt fine o!okay okay!i'll get off ur blog now!!!!

Anonymous said...

We all already know about these info on True Love anywayz, so fighting it off only make you sound like Kanye West. So, enjoy the moment!!!

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

Nice! How are you babes? Thanks for the links and I'll be the first to admit that print media can structure words in such a way as to confuse.. Well said!

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

I forgot to mention in my comment to your last post that I heard the song samboribobo at your beach parry! It's a nice song!

Aramide said...

Nice one on the disclaimer, perhaps that is in order answers were not how I answered them arghhhh

Favoured Girl said...

I knew you didn't "brag" about your hits, lol. Some things can be so easily taken out of context. It's all good though, it was still a nice feature.

Dimples said...

Congrats E!!!...
I thought the BabaAlaye thing was funny..."online nupital ties....please sha send my own blogville aso-ebi in my direction...lawl lawl!!

As it is a Naija mag....there would be someone that knows someone that knows u..and these days with good old finding out where you worked would have been a minor stuves..

Don't worry jare...I know u didn't boast...and I am proud to be a "hitter" on your page...
Well done again...and to MONA,BIMBY LADS,and BELLA of course!!

Dimples said...

Congrats E!!!...
I thought the BabaAlaye thing was funny..."online nupital ties....please sha send my own blogville aso-ebi in my direction...lawl lawl!!

As it is a Naija mag....there would be someone that knows someone that knows u..and these days with good old finding out where you worked would have been a minor stuves..

Don't worry jare...I know u didn't boast...and I am proud to be a "hitter" on your page...
Well done again...and to MONA,BIMBY LADS,and BELLA of course!!

Afolabi said...

hi...first...saw you on bella naija's were featured in true love..that's good..and I'm really liking this blog

SapphireAster said...

Am I really first? wow!!!! Hope they 'do' your hair well o.

Ms zee said...

I soo feel you on getting your hair done.... LOL...

I have to get TL west Africa now...
You can write to the editor and complain right??

take care

temmy tayo said...

That naija for you o. They need too sell the magazine now. It is good yiu expressed your side of the story.

dScR?Be said...

I love the article and the picture. Don't mind this press and paparazzi people, always finding a way to make their stuvs more interesting.
You are famous joo

Anonymous said...

Beautiful lady... it was a great interview but i agree.. they sort of misinterpreted it.. but then again i sort of understand how cos if someone didn't follow it while it happened.. it'd be sort of difficult to understand the whole 'blogger nuptials' thing.. other than that it was a great great writeup and you looked gorgeous as always...

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

now you've spoilt the surprise Ive been trying to call both ya numbers all day and they are engaged, what happened to your lines nne.

Im glad you've gotten it off your chest, but great read no less.

jak said...

don't worry girl, we your regular readers know you aint like dat... It's all love!!!

Original Mgbeke (Part 2) said...

Could I be first? *Holds breath*
I loved the article. I have been reading your blog for quite a bit and for some odd reason I'd always thought you were = Ms. Minx. LOL...Don't even ask.
Congrats o!

rjeme said...

Hi! It's all right - those that read your blog know all the truths.
Congratulations and keep it up though.

Don Thieme said...

Congratulations on recieving this attention. You are helping to promote Nigeria's image as a country of educated and creative people, having fun at the same time!

Anonymous said...

U Looked Beautiful... and it is cool to brag sometimes : )

Ms. Catwalq said...

saw ur feature on Bella's blog
Odikwa very nice.

Please go and do ur hear o before u give white man lice

Anonymous said...

we are proud of u ...
u are young
nice blog....

Anonymous said...

Congrats!Ditch the error drama and enjoy the limelight while it's on you (you are aware blogville is really no man's land right? lol)

Hmm...I'm not even sure if I've visited your blog before cos the page decor don't look familiar.Do you keep changing it or somethg? Good job though.

That ONB's "i hope" rendition was hilarious and had me lmao. You get a point there kid. Prior to then... *coughs*

Anonymous said...

Well done for making TL they went and found out where u worked?? lol! ok now dats funny....but nah don't take it too seriously...U r doing a great job and keep doing it girl...

Yeah I know ur face too just like Pink satin noticed...fellow QCOG....keep up the good work girls.Marinho will be proud....hehe

Cheetarah said...

U look gorgeous and u have lovely hair,lol!Nice1

BiMbyLaDs** said...

congrats babe..... u looked suweet..

Anonymous said...

congrats! on the magazine article. lol on people adding stuff that was not said

why did they twist what was said I wonder? That was not cool but kudos as always!:) Your blog is an inspiration!

Femme said...

ohh! dont worry about what they said or how they said it. you all came out looking very nice. although i did wonder at the nuptial ties thingy. nice of u to clear that up.

TMinx said...

Aww thanks for all your comments guys. It was great to come back to have this 'bumper' comment reading. Also, I don''t look like a refugee anymore, my hair is looking tres sexy now :).

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting your hair done. While reading the bloggers' feature on TL, I noticed that they twisted things there own way. A lot of magazines do it. Nice feature tho.


anybody with me on that

ababoypart2 said...

Congrats - I also saw the article in true love mag. Well done..

princesa said...

Abeg sweetie,no blame True Love too much, they get to make the gist sweet small na. Anyway, congrats again o jare, e no easy to be star!
Am adding a link to your blog on 'Blogs I recommend'.
Enjoy your week.

Anonymous said...

tminx i think you should write them and tell them!i mean online Nuptial ties,next thing it will be tminx got married to some guy she met online!thank God they didnt even mention the fact that some conrtroversy was going on about baba alaye's paternity(as in him beign OBJ's son or not)if they knew that one ,den for add am to make the story juicer!as far as i am concerned that is irresponsible journaliam and it is called SENSATIONALISM!it is just wrong

Miss Opeke said...

Congratulations GF...I am definately going to grab a copy of the July Edition of True Love Mag...

Plz wey I get my copy I'd like you to sign it o...
Don't worry I luk for u wherever u are and get ur autograph

La Reine said...

LOL! I have a feeling I know all too well just how happy you are to get your hair done!

I love True Love, I think it give a positive portait of Africa. More mags should strive to be like it.

Tutsy said...

That was very humble of you Tminx....gotta admit folks like you are RARE.....keep the good work sweetheart, you're one of the best at what you do.

Least i forget, i love that picture of you in the magazine...although i have a feeling if you were in charge of the photo shoot, we might have seen some "banging pictures" its something about the quality of the pics you take.....okay enough said!

uknaija said...

Hair's important...

Ms. May said...

LOL @ you don't look like a refugee anymore. How much did it cost...normal or mad pricey? For some reason, i'm interested to know...LOL.

Welcome to the world of stardom!!!! Your words being misrepresented in an article is a rite of passage. LOL. Great top too.

Unknown said...


I just came from Bella's page. U r so cute - as always. (smile) I love your blog and photoblog too. Keep on going strong. I loved the comment about the online nuptials - it was an online nuptial wasnt it and we bloggers know it was for the fun of it. So dont just mind true love. LOL!!

Oh gosh, just read mona's comment too. Seems they twisted a lot of your words. Thats journalists for you. LOL!!

Nuggets of Gold said...

There is something special about a person who doesn't brag

Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

i dont belive your disclaimer jo...LOL. jk.

Naijadude said...

Ooh now I see what u are talking about eh! gigi bam bam now I know where u work...hahahh j/k!

Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

Its just funny how virtually everyone thinks they're first. You see, all your years of blister-forming typings have'nt been in vain afterall.
Clattering Gulder bottles, all cheering you on this very tasteful achievement.

Mrs Somebody said...

Fine gal!

Daddy's Girl said...

Congratulations TMinx!! You looked gorgeous in the spread, I keep looking at my copy and smiling at how great you all look. Keep up the good work ladies!!

Anonymous said...

oh just to add I did not see the post as bragging in anyway. Never mind what people will say about it. People will always talk but a successful individual rises above the talk:) check out my new blog look let me know your thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I am South African and was recently in Lagos on business for 3 days and picked up a copy of True Love West Africa (we have our own edition is SA) and was actually inspired by the article. I just might start my own blog... Oh! And i never would have known about your blog if you hadnt done the interview. Dont worry too much about them twisting some of the things you said I didnt give me any bad impressions about you and you looked FAB in the picture!